Tuesday, February 06, 2007

NASA: Sending Crazy People into Space Since 1958

"Houston, we have a psycho."

I've been racking my brain all day for an appropriate way to present this story and can't come up with one. For some reason I can't wrap my head around it. It's not that someone smart and dedicated enough to become an astronaut and actually fly in space was so messed up by "love" that they would try to kill someone over it, and it's not that this is the second time since the new year that someone has gone to "extreme" lengths to eliminate the competition in a love triangle (check out the other instance here). I think the thing about this story that bothers me the most is that this woman was so focused on killing her rival, that she resorted to wearing diapers during her 900+ mile car ride between Houston and Orlando to limit the number of stops she'd have to make on the way. I don't know if I should be horrified or impressed. I've never been that determined about anything.
The adult undergarment of choice
for 9 out of 10 crazy astronauts.

There's not much more that I can add to that, so instead I'll just leave you with my favorite movie quote about astronauts, those brave men and women who traverse the starry skies, boldly going where no man has gone before:

"Your mother was an astronaut"
"My mother was too drunk to be an astronaut."

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