Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Break-Up: Scariest Movie of the Year

So this commentary is a little late, but it has to be posted, if only to save a few relationships. My wife and I saw this movie, in most part, because we both love Vince Vaughn. I figured I could handle a little romantic comedy cheesiness for the comedic gold that VV brings to the screen. Well watch out fellas, cause Wedding Crashers this aint.
While Vince does have a few worthwhile moments, this movie is NOT a comedy. It's not even a romantic comedy. It was a depressing look at the collapse of a relationship that was depicted as almost entirely the man's fault. That's fine. Oftentimes one person holds the lion's share of the blame for a relationship's demise. In this movie, Vince Vaughn's character caused the relationship to fail because he didn't make a big enough effort. Also fine. The problem, and potential killer for all men out there, is that his lack of effort was presented to the audience basically by having him come home and open a beer and watch the game or play Playstation.
As soon as I thought this I thought "Oh shit." That's basically every day of my life. I do tons of other things around the house, but those few acts are brought into focus in the move, and I spent the rest of the time in the theater trying to figure out how to defend myself when the credits rolled. All I could come up with was "Please don't divorce me."
So be warned men...this is not a raucous Vince Vaughn comedy, and you will be grilled on the car ride home.
Avoid this film if at all possible, your relationship may depend on it.