Friday, February 02, 2007

A Note to God RE: The Oscars

Thou shall not make for yourself an idol.

Dear God,

I don't ask you for much...not really anyway. And I try to be as good a person as I can, so please, please, please, won't you grant me this one wish. When the Academy Awards show rolls around later this month, and they announce the winner of Best Supporting Actor, could you please find it in your heart to make sure that Mark Wahlberg wins, and when he does win, could you please make sure they play this video and song during his walk to the podium.

Thanks God. I know this isn't a really important wish, with war, and disease, and famine going on out there, and I know you're a big fan of Little Miss Sunshine and Alan Arkin, but I promise, if you make this wish come true, I will devote the rest of my time here on earth to living life to the funkiest.


Happy Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil, and his lesser known, albeit smellier compadre, Staten Island Chuck, both failed to see their shadows today, which means, I guess, an early Spring.

I'm going to look on the bright side of things today, ignore the brief winter we're having as being the undeniable sign that our world is slowly swirling into a global warming nightmare that will eventually lead to massive floods and the seas boiling, and instead focus on the fact that I might be able to go see a baseball game in April without needing to wear a parka and mittens.

Hooray Global Warming!!! Hooray Groundhogs!!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Return of the briPod

I listen to music...aren't I cool?

Because I know that your wouldn't be complete without finding out what I listened to on my iPod this morning while commuting to work, here are the five songs that kept the insides of my ears warm while the rest of me was freezing.

Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head
by They Might Be Giants
Pretty much every TMBG song I've ever heard makes me feel smart and stupid at the same time. This one is no different.

by The Raconteurs
I've been trying to resist the Jack White cult for as long as I could, but I was persuaded into buying Broken Boy Soldiers by their first single Steady as She Goes. I actually like this song even better. It's a good album all around, but there's still something about Jack White that irks me. I think it's his hair. It seems unnaturally straight and way too black.

Satan Is My Motor
by Cake
Satan may be your motor, but Jesus is my homeboy, and Buddha is my airbag.
Side note: I like cake...both the band and the dessert item, especially the yellow type.

Stand Up
by Jet
My favorite song ever used in a commercial for the Discovery Channel.

'Zat You Santa Claus?
by Louis Armstrong
Umm...I forgot to take my Christmas music off my iPod. At least my tree is down.