Friday, February 24, 2006

Why I'll never be a hipster

Although I do like being ironic, I'll never pull off the whole hipster thing because I don't wear glasses, and everyone knows to truly be a hipster, you need the hipster glasses. My vision does suck by the way, just not in a way glasses can fix.

I do read comics, which can be considered hipster-ish I guess, but I do it because I think superheroes are cool, not to be clever, so I guess that just makes me a dork.

And now we do the dance of joy....

Nuff said

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Doing Battle With Shrubbery

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't featured my wife in this space at all, so here's an image of her after she defeated the bush in front of our house during the blizzard of '06. I'm not in the picture because I passed out after having to shovel 2 feet of snow from our driveway. Some people would wonder why someone would decide to start gardening during a blizzard, but she felt like gardening and once she gets something in her head, you can't tell her otherwise.
Well done hon...the landscaping looks great.