Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I, For One, Welcome Our Robot Overlords

If this is how Skynet's takeover of Earth begins, I gladly surrender.
Bring on the Terminators!

"Come with me if you want to drink."

Back in Black ( & White)

To the very few of you who actually take the time to read this thing, I'm back. I haven't posted in a couple of weeks due a perfect storm type situation in the real world. Work went nuts, my sis had some pretty serious medical issues, and we learned of a potential problem with Baby Riley, who, for reasons soon to be revealed, has shed the "Seven" nickname, and will, from this point forward, be referred to as Skeletor.

Well the storm has passed, things went (and continue to go) well for my sister, and the potential problems for Skeletor proved unfounded. The Mrs. and I have been able to take a much needed deep breath, and a return to as close to normal as we'll ever get.

I'll try to get back on my normal posting schedule. I know your lives have been empty without my witty commentary, but in the meantime, amuse yourselves by taking a look at my kid. (Now do you get the Skeletor reference?)

"Curse you He-Man!!!"