Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tattoos on the Head, Mourning on my Mind.

RIP Bam Bam Bigelow (1961-2007)

When I was a youngster, way back in the 1980s and early-1990s, I, like most American males, loved professional wrestling. It probably stemmed from the same part of my brain that likes comic books. There, on the TV, were larger than life figures, some good, some evil, battling each other for...well who knows really, but it involved a lot of punching and kicking, and that was cool with me. Anyway, Bam Bam was one of those guys that always fascinated me. Probably because of the tattoos on his head. All I know is that he was one of those people on TV whose physical appearance mesmerized me. Him and Fred Gwyne...the guy who played Herman Munster. I think that was mostly because I thought his head was actually square.

Square-headed monster where are you?

Apparently I had some sort of obsession with heads when I was a kid. Young boys throughout the country were crushing hard on Winnie Cooper, and I was staring at the heads of professional wrestlers and 1960s sitcom starts. I was a bit of a weirdo.

Where have you gone Winnie Cooper?
A nation turns its mourning eyes to you.

And now Bam Bam has joined Herman Munster as a member of the deceased, not that their deaths were related. And that kinda sucks. Fred Gywne wasn't really an old man, but he was in his late 60s when he passed in the Early 90s, so that's not entirely out of the ordinary. Bam Bam was only in his mid-forties...too young for anyone to go. I always wondered if the tattoo on Bam Bam's head would seep into his brain and kill him. At this point, the cause of death hasn't been determined, so I'm just going to assume that yes, he was killed by tattoo ink. Another reason not to emulate professional wrestlers kids.


It's been brought to my attention by one of my adoring fans (thank you Steve) that Winnie Cooper herself had a melon head. Maybe there is something to this. Maybe I am obsessed with the cranially unique. (I think I just made up a word. Hooray for me!).
More to come.
In the meantime:


Lapierre Médias© said...

what!?! bam bam bigelo is dead ? :(

Brian said...

Yes friend....I'm sorry to break the news to you, but Bam Bam is indeed dead. Observing a moment in silence in his honor would not be out of line at all.