Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Does this freak anyone else out as much as it does me?

Is your baby a her or he?
Now YOU can decide.

When my wife and I were first trying to get pregnant, we did a lot of reading on the subject. We checked out a few books and magazine and looked at a bunch of websites (and there are plenty). During our "research" we came across a couple of different theories regarding baby gender. There are supposed to be a variety of things you can do to help your odds at conceiving one gender baby over another: certain foods or drinks to consume, the date and time you try to conceive, temperature changes; you name it. In the beginning we toyed with the idea of trying some of them out, but in the end, we realized it was kind of silly and we'd just roll the dice and see what fate gave us. Well my wife got pregnant, and while we don't know whether we're having a boy or a girl (and we've decided we want to be surprised), the bottom line is that we're pretty psyched about becoming parents and we can't wait until he or she gets here.

"I case you missed the earlier post with my picture,
here I am just chillin' in the womb.
Don't I look like a genius?"

So fast forward to today: I was surfing one of my favorite Yankee blogs (Peter Abraham's blog), hoping for any sort of nugget of information in this slow season for baseball news, when an ad banner on the side of the web page caught my eye. It mentioned something about baby genders, and being a father-to-be, I decided to give it a click. The link brought me to a web page for The Silverman Center for Gender Selection. The site is for a medical center in Westchester, NY that will pretty much allow you to choose the gender of your baby. They have a process that will allow you to select only specific sperm cells to fertilize an egg, with the end result being the baby gender of your choosing. Is anyone else weirded out by that? I may be making a bit of a leap here, but how long until we start deciding hair and eye color? Or athletic ability or smarts? Hell...people love celebrity baby names, how long before people try celebrity baby genes? Doesn't there have to be a line somewhere?

"Don't you wish your baby was hot like me?"

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti-science guy...far from it. I'm all for taking every advantage that science has to offer to make sure that your offspring are born into this world with the greatest chance to live a long and happy life. If there is someway to genetically detect and correct potential problems in your unborn child. I'm all for it. Why shouldn't we use our knowledge to our advantage. But there's something about using it to make sure your baby is a specific gender that gives me a creepy feeling, you know? I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this, and I might not be for a while. After the trouble we had when we first tried to get pregnant, having a healthy baby of any sex seems like a big enough deal to me. Who knows though, maybe I'd change my mind if I was the father of four boys.

Anyway, it kinda feels like we're beginning to hurtle towards a weird science fiction future where big brother is always watching, and people are genetically altering their DNA to breed super babies and it's starting to freak me out a little, though I'm all for jet-packs and hover-cars. I can't wait for hover-cars.

"Fear my genetically bred Atomic Super-Men!"

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