Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Riley Household in Mourning

Captain America is least that's what is reporting here. Most of you will probably realize what a blow this is to me. Now, I haven't actually read the story yet, since I get my comic books on Fridays, but seeing as CNN is reporting on it, as well as the NY Daily News, I'm guessing this isn't a hoax. I'm feeling cold right very cold.

God speed Cap.

Yes, Captain America is punching Hitler.
That's how Bad-Ass he was.

PS - Baby Riley has been renamed yet again. From this point forward, he/she will be know as "Little Cap," in memory of the fallen soldier. Also, all images will be doctored to include an "A" on the forehead, just like Captain America wore, until the baby is born and an "A" can be properly applied by a tattoo needle.

We went with the lowercase "A" since it looks cuter on a baby.

1 comment:

brandon said...

It's true....Cap is dead. Shot in the street like a dog.