Monday, March 05, 2007

Boris and Natasha Killed in a Fiery Helicopter Crash

"I don't need no stinking squirrel to start some static."

Check out this story from about a wild moose taking down the helicopter of some wildlife officials in Alaska. Pretty crazy stuff. I've done some backpacking in the past, and I remember our guide telling us that wild animals shouldn't be approached, but you'd think you'd be safe in a helicopter. I mean we were always careful not to attract bears, but Bullwinkle? Come on...who of you out there thought a moose had that type of game. Not I good citizens, not I. Well I for one, am willing to admit it when I make a mistake. I'm reworking my "World's Most Dangerous Animals" list. It's a completely arbitrary ranking system, devised entirely by me. I'll try to give a brief explanation for each of the Top-Five on the list.

1. Shark
Specifically the Great White. Sure, they haven't taken down any aircraft, YET, but look at this freaking thing. And "Jaws" is one of the coolest movies ever. Plus, these are my rankings so screw you. Sharks are No. 1.

2. Moose
As mentioned above, they have the ability to take down a helicopter, which means they own both the land and the air. If they learn how to sink a boat, we may have a new contender for the No. 1 spot, though their lack of ominous rows of jagged teeth do leave something to be desired.

3. Man
Makes you think, doesn't it?

4. The Monkeys at those Drive-Thru Safaris
Have you ever seen them go at a car at one of those things? They'll rip it to shreds. LOOK OUT!!!

5. Huh? We're still doing this? Pandas I guess
I don't know. I stopped paying attention a while ago. What was the point of all of this again?

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