Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Pattern Seems to Be Developing

As many of you have probably started to notice, the general public is just now starting to realize the sheer awesomeness that is the world of the Ninja, something that was almost completely derailed by one of the worst movies I have ever seen, "Beverly Hills Ninja." (Please don't be mad at me ghost of Chris Farley, I love you, but in retrospect, it's abundantly clear that, by then, you were taking on whatever stupid movie role was offered to you to fuel your insatiable appetite for drugs. A kung-fu movie might not have been a bad choice, but this kung-fu movie most certainly movie was.)

"Coked-out Ninja-CHOP!"

There have been a variety of sources promoting Ninja coolness, or Ninjawareness as I like to call it . Two of the best are the websites Real Ultimate Power and Ask a Ninja, absolute joys for the Ninja-curious. But it may be time for a new top-dog. It now appears that everyone's favorite psycho office worker, Rainn Wilson, AKA Dwight K. Schrute is making his presence felt in the ninja world.


This article on CNN.com features an interview with Wilson where he discusses his career and the opportunities that have been opened up to him with the success of "The Office." The most notable portion of the interview features him talking about his future plans, among them an upcoming film called "Bonzai Shadowhands." Here's what he says about it.

I'm writing [it]. It's about a down-and-out alcoholic ninja, a once-great ninja trying to put his life back together. I'm doing that with Jason Reitman who directed "Thank You for Smoking."

Ummm...am I the only person who thinks this is the greatest idea EVER?!?! Dwight...as an alcoholic Ninja?!?! Please god, let this happen soon. This could end up being the most awesome move of all time, righting the cosmic Ninja-karma, after the above mentioned cinema disaster.

Speaking of Awesome...

This has nothing to do with anything written above.
It's just the coolest thing I have ever seen.

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