Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm Back!

Well...I hope

It's been a while since I've posted on here, but I’m going to try and get back on a semi-regular schedule. I miss posting, a lot, but I’ve been so busy lately I’ve really haven’t been able to find the time. What have I been busy doing? Glad you asked. I've been:

1. Being a Dad
This is an easy one to figure out, especially if you look a couple of posts back. The Dude (that’s my current nickname for Owen) has grown quite a bit since the last time I posted and with each passing day he gets even cooler. He can’t crawl yet, or even sit up on his own, but he can hold his head up, which is a step in the right direction and he’s starting to play with stuff too, which is pretty sweet.

2. Watching Movies…in 10 minute intervals
If you have to ask why after reading the first point, I kind of want to hit you with a shovel.

3. Getting Angry about the Yankees, and then calming the F’ Down
Listen. I was as upset about the Yankees losing as any other Yankee fan, but then I calmed down. When I started to think about it rationally, I realized the season turned out MUCH better than it looked like it was going to in April and May. I’ll miss Joe T. but I’m excited about this team’s youth and potential next year. I’m betting Donnie gets the call to manage, which I’m fine with. Hopefully they’ll announce that tomorrow so the front office can hurry up and sign Mo, Jorgie, and A-Rod, and then move on to other needs. I'm excited about seeing Donnie manage this team, and I'm excited about the potential we have with our young pitching (Hughes, Joba, IPK), the first real homegrown pitching talent the Yanks have had since Pettitte.

4. Giving Up on the Giants, and then, cautiously, starting to believe again
Let’s be honest, this Giants team has given us no reason, in the past few seasons, to believe that they were going to rebound from a horrible 2 ½ games to start the season, but they have. They should be 6-2 after this weekend. Who would have thought THAT half way through game 3. Anyway, I’m just going to sit back and enjoy what they give me this year. This team could make the Super Bowl, or they could lose 8 straight. I honestly have no idea. I hope it’s the former, but this team has been so schizo in the past, that I wouldn’t be surprised by anything.

5. Ruining My Marriage (AKA Playing Xbox 360)

After hinting, not so subtlety for the past year or so, my family got me Xbox for my birthday this year (maybe it was my argument that it would also be for Owen, and that video games help improve hand-eye coordination in children). I’ve spent the better part of my rare free time sitting in front of my TV, controller in hand playing a variety of games. Halo mostly. Jesus Christ this thing is addictive. It’s like crack, except I get to keep my teeth, that is until my wife punches me in the mouth because I’m ignoring her.

6. Listening to The Hold Steady’s Boys and Girls in America
I am SO behind the curve when it comes to pretty much everything cool, and this is no exception, but damn this album is awesome. It’s so good it’s almost hypnotic. In a world where I’m slowly becoming more and more square, listening to this album makes me feel like I’m slowly reclaiming a little hip-ness, not that I had much to begin with, but you know what I mean. Anyway, nothing clever to add, I just really like listening to this album.

7. Falling in Love With "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

My favorite show on TV right now, and, quite possibly, the funniest. Words can't do it justice. So here's a brief clip:

And trust me, it's much funnier than that. It's on Thursday nights at 10:00 on FX. Watch it.

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