Thursday, November 07, 2002

Michael Caine is NO Quint...

I was watching Jaws 4: The Revenge the other night and I started thinking, which is pretty remarkable considering how mind numbingly bad the film is, about the liberties they took with reality for this film. While watching, I'm willing to suspend disbelief long enough to accept that the same family of people can be attacked by a family of sharks on four separate occasions. I can even accept a Great White, somehow tracking a person from New England to the Bahamas...even though said person went by plane and the shark had to, well swim there. Here's my problem, Did you see the size of the freaking shark. It was about 45 feet long. 45 FEET LONG!! That's insane. It's practically prehistoric. A shark that big wouldn't be worried about a woman who was, at best, 5'6". He'd be busy eating Ocean Liners full of hundreds of people. Geez, his turds would be bigger than a person. So what I'm saying is, please make our ridiculous shark movies a little more true to life ok? And if you can't, can you at least give the sharks the ability to fly or something? Now that would be scary!